NS10 Nurse station
The NS10 Nurse Station is a display panel for viewing the CPS systems gathered in one location, e.g. reception desk, or in the staff lunchroom, hallway where everyone can see it easy. Application areas can be for Hospitals with operating rooms, ICU, Pharmacies, Laboratories, Clean rooms and production plants etc.
Each connected CPS system is indicated with a Green status button. If one of the connected systems have a warning the panel indicate Yellow, or if it’s an alarm that button goes Red and a buzzer alarms. The audio can be muted.
Clicking the room button views that selected CPS display values so you can see the actual readings, alarms etc.
There is a real time clock in the panel so all alarms can be shown in a event history log.
NS10 can display up to 10 CPS systems on one display. And
there is a bigger model NS20 that can display up to 20 CPS systems on one display. See our NS20 product for more info.
And there is an option for relays (2 relays) that acts as sum alarms. One for e.g. a LED flash light tower, and one for a extra siren. The siren relay will be muted with the internal buzzer, but the light relay won’t, it goes back to normal only when the alarms are cleared again and it’s all green on the panel.
The NS10 have one internal RS 485 modbus port for connecting to the CPS systems in the building. And another RS 485 modbus port for connecting to external building BMS or SCADA system.