Mentioned at Gävleborg 2013

Psidac AB got an article at Gävleborg 2030 site, as an example of a company helping them reaching their target on research and innovations.

Swedish sensors prevent infections spreading in hospitals – success in Dubai

In Dubai in the last week of January, the sensor company PSIDAC AB from Iggesund enjoyed great success at the world’s second biggest healthcare trade fair. With the support of the Fiber Optic Valley innovation environment and the EU project in the Central Baltic, among others, they were able to demonstrate their unique CPS 6000 system, which prevents airborne infection in hospitals and laboratories.

“The response we received was something I’ve never experienced in my 30 years of visiting different fairs,” says Björn Österlund, managing director and owner of PSIDAC. “As the only supplier of this type of instrument at the fair, we were able to meet the minister for health and a number of interesting players for our product. We also made new contacts that can help us enter markets in Argentina, Pakistan and the entire Middle East, so I would say that this investment was a success.”

Monitors and controls air pressure
PSIDAC AB monitors and controls air pressure conditions in hospitals and laboratories. Airborne infection is prevented through either positive or negative air pressure. The system is simple to use, with displays that are green when everything is working and red when there is an error. This means that the staff always have control of the air pressure. The system is based on intelligent pressure sensors, which have low installation costs compared to existing systems. The system has had great success in the Netherlands, where they value the security that the CPS 6000 system provides for staff and patients.

PSIDAC’s customers include Glaxco University, Astra Zeneca, ZGT Almelo, Clinical LAB, Hengelo, MST Enschede, St. Jansdal Harderw, Dirksland, ERASMUS University Medical Center in Rotterdam, St Laurentius, Institute, Glaxco University, Kuwait University, Pharmacia, etc.

About Psidac AB

PSIDAC was founded in 1997 and is a Swedish company that is based in Iggesund. It has developed high quality pressure sensors and control units for some of the world’s most demanding customers. Its product range includes solutions for monitoring isolation rooms in hospitals and similar environments.

About ICT Meta Cluster

PSIDAC is one of the companies participating in the ICT Meta Cluster project – in which companies receive help and support in reaching a global market. The project helps SMEs with export services, technical issues, business development and cooperation, where everything is brought together in a unified approach. The cluster focuses on SMEs in ICT that want to export outside the EU. Some major export markets have been initially identified for the project, such as Brazil and Canada. More may follow, e.g. the US, Japan and China.

The Central Baltic ICT Meta Cluster is a cooperation between the Estonia ICT Cluster (Tallinn), and the Latvia IT Cluster (Riga), Fiber Optic Valley (Gävleborg/Hudiksvall) and Swedish ICT Acreo (Kista/Hudiksvall). Fiber Optic Valley is the lead part. Each part’s strengths are used in this cooperation, in everything from technology to organization development and export contacts.

For more information, please contact: Björn Österlund, managing director of Psidac, +46 (0)70 277 7651 or Torbjörn Jonsson, business area manager for Fiber Optic Valley +46 (0)70 211 0806.

Facts Fiber Optic Valley Fiber Optic Valley is Sweden’s leading innovation environment for broadband and sensor technology. We are one of Sweden’s 13 Vinnväxt clusters, appointed by the innovation agency, VINNOVA. We initiate new partnerships between business, academia and public authorities. We unite people with other people, needs with solutions, problems with ideas, financing with innovations. Activities are run from Hudiksvall/Gävle/Sundsvall with the head office in Hudiksvall. Our financiers are VINNOVA, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Region Gävleborg.

View article in Swedish here:

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